Mischief Managed

Until recently, I had never read Harry Potter. I somehow convinced myself I must have read the first one, it was such a big deal in middle school. But when I finally sat down and started reading it in August, it was clear to me I had never read it. I thought I was a Harry Potter fan. I’d seen most of the movies, could recite some of the random spells used, and was told endlessly that I reminded people of Hermione. When my husband found out he couldn’t believe it. He owns all seven books and kept trying to convince me to read them. I wasn’t opposed to it, but I am 30 years old and there are so many things I could be reading.

It wasn’t until this summer that I was finally convinced. I was listening to Two Dope Queens and one of the hosts, Jessica Williams, is a huge Harry Potter fan. She told this story about sharing a birthday with the author J.K. Rowling and with the character Harry Potter. The joy with which she spoke about the books and being able to meet J.K. Rowling really left me wondering, why had I never read these books? I spent so much time looking up to Lisa Simpson (who I still believe is amazing), but what would it have been like to look up to Hermione too? So at the beginning of September when my school year started I began reading the books. Earlier today I finished Half-Blood Prince, so Deathly Hollows here I come!

I am definitely hooked, and regret not having read these books earlier. They really are amazing! So here are some of my Harry Potter inspired crafts, with more on the way!

HP Onesie - Snuggle this Muggle White & Gray
It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
— J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Blogging Take... Onesie

Clearly I didn't do this whole website and blog thing very well. So here we go again! Once more with feeling. Did I mention I am also a big Buffy fan?

There will be many blog posts to come to chronicle some of the awesome things I've done since last November, but first and foremost let's talk crafts! My sweet sweet husband bought me a Cricut this last year and it has really opened me up to so many new and fun crafts. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is basically a cutting and drawing machine. You can cut a lot of different types of materials and it's very accurate. So you make a design, it cuts it out, and voila!

This past year so many of my friends have had babies, and I wanted to make them special gifts for their little ones. A friend asked if I could make her a "woke baby" onesie, and I was up for the challenge. After getting some ideas and working on the design I was able to get started with my cutting machine. It was a lot of fun to use after the initial setup. You create your design online, you let the machine cut it out, then you weed out the extra material and in this case iron it on. Below is my final product.

It has been a lot of fun to start playing with some other designs too. There is the Born to Model onesie, since all babies are photographed a million times a day now.

Since I am an avid coffee drinker I figured a coffee themed onesie was in order. Thus "Freshly Brewed" was created.

And I've even done a few other custom requests, including a dinosaur themed 1st birthday shirt. A soccer themed "Born to Kick" shirt. And The Nightmare Before Christmas themed ones. It's been a lot of fun, and I'm currently working on some more designs coming soon.